Settling In Thankfully

What an exciting two weeks settling in to home in Raleigh. From flea markets to cookouts with the neighborhood kids, it's been an adventure all the way. First order of business was, of course, to design a new quilt for the apartment! I am almost done with it, and I'm looking forward to photographing it this weekend at the gorgeous Hunt Library on NC State's campus. For today, I just have three slightly grainy photos to share with you and a list of things for which I am so thankful.

1. welcoming churches and inviting smiles
2. space in my new room for a lovely studio
3. the boisterous open friendliness of neighborhood children
4. a French-seamed trash can liner for my new wire trashcan (you can see it's base being cut out below)
5. a wonderful roommate; I couldn't have asked for better
6. a beautiful plus quilt on the floor of the College of Textiles

What are you thankful for as summer comes to a close and we transition into autumn rhythms?


Wow, it's been three weeks since I've been here! So much has happened. I printed official yardage to list in my soon-to-be etsy store. I packed up my life in Michigan and moved cross-country to North Carolina. And I started grad school! Tomorrow is the first day of classes, and I couldn't be more pumped to study Fiber and Polymer Sciences and dyes. Check out this video about my PhD project. It excites me every time. Gah, so geeked!

Printing Pistachio yardage, I tried my hand at new registration methods, previously described to me as "complicated string systems." Well, I think I have string theory figured out, and it means a lot less drying the edge of every panel before printing the next one. I promise not to be gone for three weeks this time, but I have to run. Free grad student dinner and board game night are calling. Can you hear me smiling?