Adventures in Chicagoland

Quite a lot has happened in two weeks, and it has all been very exciting. From wandering San Francisco to camping Up North, I have been sketching and absorbing inspiration for a new collection of fabrics and quilts. I haven't been home for more than a minute at a time to print or sew, but luckily, a trip to Chicago was squeezed between Higgins Lake and Cali to burn screens. It was there three new fabric designs were born: Pistachios, Seeds, and Stripes.

I arrived in Chicago to a be struck with an I-haven't-seen-you-in-months hug by my dear friend Olivia. Then after an evening around a backyard campfire catching up on boys and family and the future and munching on passionfruit meringue pie (you really should try it), I ventured back to the Alma Mater. Isn't that weird? I have an alma mater haha. It's like I'm old now or something. I digress.

Brent let me into the art building and we started an adventure all our own, beginning with a hunt for emulsion. (If you don't know what emulsion is, have no fear; I detail the screen-printing process here.) Alas, it was not to be found, so we took a trip to rarely organized but oh so helpful Graphic Chemical. I had to pause outside to snap a picture of their sign, isn't it fun?

Shooting the screen itself was second nature. It's always such fun to see the transformation from pencil sketches to vectorized prints to burned screens. I tried my hand at registration marks for the Hortensia screens and then had a moment when I thought there was a random half-circle hole in my screen to fill. You can see it between the two sets of blooms below.

Now, I am back and more excited than ever to try some test prints. I'm feeling a Delft-inspired white and blue scheme.

What color schemes have you been loving lately?