Colorways Galore

Another day of test prints. I faired better this time. Less grumping, more singing. I'm thinking if Saturdays turn into test print days, I may need to set up some incentives to keep me going. Football on the overhead projector. Chai tea lattes. Fun evening plans. Even the mere prospect of those three things makes Saturdays sound more like adventure days and less like torturous confinement.

Before you start asking if all I do is test print, pause. I did print two yards of fabric on Tuesday with which I'm quite pleased. I'll post pictures this week. For today, I'm enlisting your help. Here are the eight, yes eight, colorways that I printed yesterday, and I'm deciding which to print this coming week. I have some leanings. The problem is that if I stand up to pour more hot water in my tea, then when I sit back down my favorites have all switched. So, my dear unbiased, diverse, and lovely readers: which is your favorite? {for a larger picture, just click}

Which colorway is your favorite?
A- aqua, grey, and red
B- aqua and greys
C- greys
D- aqua, citron, and red
E- aqua and citrons
F- turquoise and citrons
G- coral and citrons
H- citrons
My apologies: it's been brought to my attention that the poll is not functioning for everyone. If this is the case for you, please leave a comment about which colorway is your favorite. I still value your input even if my html does not.

Update: I think the poll only works in Chrome and Firefox but not in Safari, so if you're receiving an error, switching your browser might alleviate the issue.